Notice to Wrens

The huge pine tree

Will easily hold

More than one nest.

It is large enough

For several nests.

Please build there

Not on the front porch!

                                     Cerita M. Hewett

                                     March 2015

Fried Chicken

                           The two of us sat at the large conference table,

                           Ate fried chicken and cold slaw,

                           Talked over the day’s events,

                           Your piano work, my office challenges.

                           From the overhead windows

                           The late afternoon sun filtered down,

                           Shining over our supper,

                           Lighting our conversation.

                           Laughing from the freshness of

                          That half hour together,

                           We cleaned up the plastic spoons,

                           And paper plates.

                           No longer tired

                           I returned to my computer. . .

                           Glad you came.


When the wind ruffled the bird’s feathers

She turned to face the wind,

And hunched down a little to seem smaller,

But she didn’t fly this time,

She stayed facing the onslaught,

Steady on her perch,

Determined to hold her own,

‘Til the storm blew itself out.

Cerita Hewett

April 9, 2015

Conference Hymn

                           president-thomas-s-monson-lds-591264-gallery                           Our hearts were filled with joy today,

                           We listened, heard our Prophet say,

                           The test we have to pass on earth

                           Is will we follow and obey.


                           We know what Christ would have us do,

                           He spoke and showed us the way through,

                           We learn this path as day by day,

                           We study scriptures and we pray.


                           May we as Nephi hear and know,

                           And answer willingly “we go!”

                           With this true faith in Christ we live,

                           Then all God’s blessings He will give.


                                                                                                Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                April 7, 2013

Red Birds at Breakfast

                 While we were eating a late breakfast,

                  And I mean a late breakfast because it was already

                  Ten-thirty in the morning,

                  Two lively red birds came to dine on seeds

                  Hidden in the winter rye outside our window.


                  Their glowing scarlet was highlighted in the

                  Bright green of the grass,

                  There was no camouflage

                  Possible for them.


                  We munched cold cereal,

                  And they pecked for ten long minutes,

                  Then they flitted off to the cedar.

                  How easily we observed their every detail

                  Of wing, and breast, and tail.


                  And yet today I mostly remember the

                  Delightful feeling of enjoying red birds

                  Yesterday, at breakfast.

                                                                                    Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                    Feb. 25, 2013

                                                                                    Revised 2014

Purple Poetry

                          Poetry is the royalty of written language,

                           So it must be purple,

                           Purple circles strung together,

                           Like a tangled silver slinky

                           Stretched unintentionally by a young child,

                           Revealing itself over time

                           With repeated vocal readings,

                           Untangling line by line,

                           Giving a fresh display of insight,

                           Still depending on the eye that is searching,

                           The different ears seeking the pleasure of sound

                           Over time, over time, over time,

                           Unmasking views and truths,

                           May you find it every day,

                           Wherever you go!

                                                                                 Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                            (Revised Oct. 2014)


A flock of robins

Invaded our woods today.

They must be on their way North

As we don’t see them

Here in the summer.

They went straight to work

Gleaning and cleaning the forest floor.


I couldn’t hear their chattering

From my upstairs window,

But I could see their hunger

As they pecked, pecked, pecked.

Heads down pecking

Heads up watching

Exposing their burnt orange

Breasts to cloud muted light,

Bringing the hope of Spring on a

Cold rainy day.


                                                 Cerita M. Hewett

                                                 February 2015


Seen From My Window

Grass-snake, Adder In Early Spring                           Heralded by the great flapping wings,

                           And the raucous calls of a fat black crow,

                           The long slim black snake,

                           In broad daylight,

                           Raising its head high up from the ground,

                           Looking left and right,

                           Surveying proudly his kingdom,

                           Slithered slowly down the path,

                           Across the sand and into the short grass.


                           He disappeared silently,


                           Into the tall weeds of the woods.

                           There to hide and lie in wait,

                           For some small, unaware, simple creature        

                           To pass his coil and in an instant strike,

                           Causing a squeak and demise.


                                                                                                            Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                            May 26, 2013

Macaroni and Young Chef

(My five year old grandson was making Macaroni and Cheese with his Dad and we sat down afterward to write this poem.  Sometimes you just can’t stop poetry from popping out!)



                                                        Cheesy – Easy

                                           Chewing, Stretching, Sliding

                                    It       is         drippy      and       sticky

                              But    I      like      it      every     day     anyway!

                                                                    by the Hewett Family

                                                                        March 2015 

Young Chef

Powdered cheese on the stovetop

Silver moon noodles on the floor

Milk spots on the counter

Finger prints on the bathroom door

Empty bowls on the table. . .

May I please have some more?    

                                   by Ed Hewett

                                   March 2015 

Saturday Night

                                 A repairman trying to fix a washing machine isolated on white ba

                                    Under the washer downstairs

                                    Tugging at bolts,

                                    Wiping grease, sweat, stale water

                                    From your tired face,

                                    While we watched Alaska,

                                    And ate chocolate nut

                                    Ice cream upstairs.


                                    Checking on you,

                                    Wishing you would come too,

                                    But, you fixed and refixed,

                                    Until the belt

                                    Finally went on right,

                                    And all the leaks were stopped,

                                    Saturday night.

                                                                                                Cerita M. Hewett

                                                                                                March 7, 1997